jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2023

pag 7 ex 6

1. solve-problems

2. operta-a machine 


4. give-support


6.check-the connections

pag 7 ex 7

1.We need a graphic designer to design a webpage for our new company

2.We  give support to users in businesses, offices and at home

3.My job is to help over the phone 

4.If the monitor doesn't work, check the connections at the back of the system uint

5.If takes time to input data into the computer

6.They on the producyion line.

Pag 7 ex 8

1.programmer support technician
2.helpdesk technician 
3.network administrator
4.support technician
5.software tester
6.web designer
7.data entry operator

viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2023

Unit 1 Vocabulary


Apps: aplicacions

Laptop: portatil 

Server: servidor

Data: dades 

Monitor: monitor

Software: software

Hardware: hardware


mouse: ratoli

system unit: pc


banking: banca

business and retail: negocis

education: educacio

health: salud

hospitality: hospitalitat

manufacturing: manufacturació

transport: transport


ten: deu

twenty :vint

thirty: trenta 

forty: quaranta

fifty: cinquanta

sixty: seixanta

seventy: setanta

eighty: vuitanta

ninety: noranta

one hundred: cen 

five hundred: cinc cents

one thousand: mil

one thousand five hundred: mil cinc cents 


assemble: montar

install: instalar

test: proba

check: revisar

maintain: manteniment

troubleshoot: resolver

design: disseny

operate: operar

upgrade(n): millorar

download: descargar

repair: reparar

upload: pujar 

give: donar

solve: solucionar

input: entrada

startup: arranque


data entry operator: operador de dades d'entrada

software tester: ensenyador de software 

helpdesk technician: tecnic d'assistencia

support technician: tecnic de suport

network administrator: administrador de red

web designer: dissenyador de web

programmer: programador



responsible: responsable

support: suport



team: equip

over the phone:per telefon

skill: hablitat

jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2023

working with vocabulary

 5. Listen and repeat.Then match the woers to the pictures.

1. keyboard

2. monitor

3. mouse

4. laptop

5. system unit

6. server

6. Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then copy and complete the sentences.

1. data

2. apps

3. hardware

4. software

7. Listen and repeat the words in colour. The match the business sectors in A to the statements in B

1. D

2. F

3. A

4. E

5. C

6. B

7. G

8. Listen and repeat

10 ten

20 twentty

30 thirty

40 forty

50 fifty

60 sixty

70 seventy

80 eighty 

90 ninety

100 one hundred

500 five hundred 

1000 one thousend

1500 one thousend five hundred

9. Write the numbers in your notebook

1. 563

2. 871

3. 1020

4. 4013

5. 1434

6. 7691

10. Write the numbers in words in your notebook

1. twenty-nine 

2. sixty-five

3. eighty-four

4. one hundred and thirteen 

5. two hundred and ninty-seven

6. one thousend,three hundred and seventy-nine

lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2023

at a trade exhibition


A:Good morning.Can i help you?

B:Yes,i'm looking for the Banking Plus exhibit

A:That's exhibit number 218.

B:Thank you.


A:Excuse me. Can you tell me where exhibit 345 is?

B:Let me check.it's an exhibit of apps for the automobile industry. it's over there with the red sign.

A:I see, thanks.


A:I'm interested in software for education.

B:Just a moment...OK,you want exhibits numbers 107, 159 and 96. Here's a map to help you.

A:Thank you.

B:You're welcome.Enjoy the exhibition.



A:Bon dia.et puc ajudar?

B:si,estic buscant la exibició del Bank plus.

A:Aquesta exibicio es el numero 218.



A:Perdona,podria dirme on esta la exibicio 345?

B:Deixam mirar.Es una exibicio de aplicacions per l'indusrty automobil.esta per alli amb el signe vermell.

A:Ja ho veig,gracies.


A:Estic interesat en software per l'educaccio.

B:Un moment...Vale,l'exibicio son els numeros 107 , 159 and 96. Aqui tens un mapa

per la teva ajuda.


B:De res.Gaudeix de l'exibicio.


 5. Listen and repeat 1. b 2. f 3. a 4. c 5. e 6. d 6. Listen and repeat 1. Free 2.  Characters 3. Low rates 4. Landline 5. Recipient  6. Fo...