lunes, 11 de marzo de 2024


 4. Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then choose the correct answer.

  1. Thank you for calling. I'll be happy to assist you again in the future.
  2. I don't know what to do. What do you suggest?
  3. I can't remember exactly what you ordered. I'll check my records.
  4. The order hasn't arrived yet. It must be lost in the post.

5. Listen and repeat the words in colour. Which pairs of sentences have got a similar meaning?

  1. a) The prices on this invoice are too high. There must be an error.
  2. b) The princes on this invoice are incorrect.
  3. a) You sent us the wrong item.
  4. b) I hadn't ordered the item you sent us.
  5. a) We'll replace the tablet at our expense.
  6. b) We'll pay for replacing the tablet.
  7. a) This keyboard has got a defect, so it will have to be replaced.
  8. b) This keyboard will have to be replaced because there's something wrong with it.

6. Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then copy and complete the sentences.

  1. If the product is in its original box, I can give you a full refund.
  2. I want compensation for the inconvenience you have caused me.
  3. We finally found what was causing the problem. It was a faulty part.
  4. There's a lot of competition in this area, so our company has been losing business.
  5. Check that fan. It's making a noise.
  6. This part doesn't fit where it's supposed to.

7. Read the sentences. Which are said by a customer? Which are said by a customer relations representative?

  1. Of course. We'll credit your account.
  2. You can return the items by post at our expense.
  3. Is this product under warranty for a year?
  4. We'll have to open the computer to see if there's any damage inside.
  5. I'm very angry. I'm going to make a claim.
  6. I apologise for the error. We'll send you the correct items immediately.
  7. When I opened the box, I saw that the camera was missing a part!
  8. We refuse to pay because we received incorrect items.

8. Read the complaint record. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below.

Customer Timothy Moors tried to return a smartphone saying it had a defect. It looked like it had been dropped because the screen was also damaged.

The customer bought the product from us over a year ago, in June 2016, so it is no longer under warranty.

I was very polite with Mr Moors, but I refused to give him a refund or offer him compensation.

The customer was not satisfied and said he would make a claim with Head Office. I gave him the contact details.

Sam Smith.

Sales Assistant.

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 5. Listen and repeat 1. b 2. f 3. a 4. c 5. e 6. d 6. Listen and repeat 1. Free 2.  Characters 3. Low rates 4. Landline 5. Recipient  6. Fo...